Behind the stable door
The Precision Microbes team recently visited another happy equine customer in Co Down. Clare Cannon runs Behind the Stable door a social enterprise in Co Down.
She used PM equine on a two-year-old with a poor appetite and coat. She saw a marked improvement in appetite, behaviour, and coat. She also used Precision Microbes in a foal recovering from a dairrhoea.
Clare and the team also run another business where they make sustainable highly absorbant bedding from recycled egg cartons. She is also now going using Precision Microbes environmental microbes in a trial with her bedding material.
It is a live liquid blend of environmental microbes mostly lactobacillus species.
Its benefits are around reducing ammonia and rotting in bedding. It has a significant composting effect so breaking down the ammonia and nitrogen in soiled bedding.
This will lead to better and neutral-smelling bedding. It also will keep bedding dry for longer and when put out will create excellent compost for any horticulture.
It is a natural and organic product containing live microbes. These lactobacillus bacteria compete with harmful pathogens. We are controlling the environmental microbes to positively benefit bedding animal health and the environment.
Check out her business on