Complete transformation in Blue on PM equine

My name is Dawn Preston. I am situated in Lincolnshire, UK.
I own a 17hh KWPN. Our discipline is dressage. Blue is my pride and joy but has not always been the easiest. Blue has a history of grade 3/ 4 stomach ulcers.

Even after treatment, he was still somewhat unpredictable,  terrible to girth up and groom, particularly on his o/s. Saddling him up was a lengthy process as he was bloated and held himself rigid even after he scoped clear.
Following a change of forage, he was uncomfortable, gassy, and bloated. My routine vet suggested we try Precision as he had success with several similar horses.
I added 100mls per day to a feed.

There was no problem with the administration as it smells terrific. But, after day 4,” what a noticeable difference “he wasn’t bloated and the best to groom, girth up he has ever been.

I didn’t go looking for results. They were just there fact!
Blue is better at his work and overall well-being. His eyes are big shiny and soft; his coat looks fantastic too. There is also no hesitation in loading into the lorry either.
We have, over the years, tried a lot of products at great expense to try and help him. At last, I do believe it’s happened.
I would highly recommend this product; it’s cost-effective, palatable, and really works!