Sally & Willows story on Precision Microbes Pet probiotic and postbiotic
Sally Holt talks about the huge transformation she has seen in her ten-year-old Shepard Willow.
Willow had ongoing issues with EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency) which she was being treated for. Her vets suggested she try our product because they had been seeing some great results in patients. Listen to the dramatic transformation and the impact Precision Microbes has had.
Fionnuala at the Irish retired greyhound trust fostering centre
Last week we visited Fionnula and James in their kennels and foster care centre for retired greyhounds. They work with the Irish retired greyhound trust and help get greyhounds acclimatized to their new lives as pets with families. They have seen the huge benefits of Precision MIcrobes pro and postbiotic liquids for the dogs in their care.
Stress has a big impact on gut health and digestion. Precision Microbes help the greyhound’s digestion and gut health during their transition into kennels and also for the next stage of their life as a family pet. It was great to see Fionnuala had such confidence in our pet product that she ended up trying our equine complementary feed in her own horse as well.
Sarah and Milly’s story
We recently visited Sarah and her dog Milly in Dublin.
Milly has had lifelong issues with digestive hypersensitivities and also issues with pancreatitis.
Sarah’s vet recommended Precision Microbes a couple of months ago. She says it’s been “life-changing” for Milly. A big reduction in digestive issues and also an increased appetite.
She is now even adding in some treats for Milly with no issues.
We are so happy to see feedback like this from dog owners about how effective Precision Microbes’ unique liquid pro and postbiotic has been for them and their pets.
Huge thanks to Sarah for sharing their story with us.
Kati and Kai
When I adopted Kai, (my beautiful rescue greyhound), he was very stressed and it was obvious that his diet had been neglected for many years:(
He had chronic digestive issues and discomfort which, after many visits to the vet and endless tests, was diagnosed as IBS.
We struggled to relieve his symptoms unsuccessfully for 6 months, until one day I discovered Precision Microbes… Glory hallelujah!
Introducing it into his diet has been a life saver for both of us!
Kai is now healthy and full of joy, (and pooping normally!) He’s quickly learning how great life can be when he’s smothered in love and feeling good. On the rare occasion he has an “off” day, I simply double his dose and he’s back to normal by the next day.
My vet now sells Precision Microbes and suggests using it to his other patients with digestive issues. They seem to be having great success as well.
I not only highly recommend Precision Microbes for their amazing product, but also for being the kindest, most wonderfully supportive and positive company. They have helped me and Kai, and so many others as well. Thank you
Olivia O Gorman talks about precision microbes pet products
Olivia has two Hungarian Vizslas. Our oldest dog Hunter was precision microbes’ first longterm dog. Listen to her story about how gut health and overall condition have improved. Olivia has her own dog training and transport business canineconnect.irl
Clare a vet nurse talks about Precision Microbes’ response
Clare a veterinary nurse based in Norfolk talks about her dog Patton a nine-year-old french bulldog.
He has had ongoing issues with digestive problems. She has seen an amazing difference.
She has a happy dog who has put on weight, he likes it on his food every day.
Listen to their story.
If you are a Uk based pet owner or vet contact Vetexchamge LTD about Precision Microbes pet pro and postbiotic liquids.
Tim and Eaves’s story on Precision Microbes pro and postbiotic liquid
Eave is a lurcher cross collie with ongoing digestive issues since being a nine-year-old.
She started on Precision Microbes and after a couple of weeks, she is a different dog.
Tim says “We just wouldn’t be without it”
We would suggest people just try it.
Big response to Precision Microbes in greyhound
We met with Eoin Mullins a very passionate greyhound owner in Co Wexford. He discusses the transformation he saw on PM pet pro and postbiotic in his dog.
Spanish vets and pet owners see the benefits of Probiotics and postbiotics in pets
El veterinario clínico Alberto González Pumariega, trabajando con animales pequeños desde casi 40 años en Marbella, nos explica su experiencia con Precision Microbes.
Alberto habla de 3 casos del uso del producto. Lo que comenta, es que el producto de Precision Microbes no es solo para casos digestivos, pero va más allá que un pro biótico normal y más allá que un enfoque digestivo. En caso cuando lo utilizó para apoyos digestivos a largo plazo, les dió resultados espectaculares, por ejemplo, con casos de perros de patología más complicada, como atopias. Cuando se ha utilizado durante un tiempo mas prolongado, ha podido mejorar las patologías que no estaban previstas.
Por ejemplo, con una perra de 8 años con problemas desde su nacimiento con piel atópica, sensible, calvas, eczemas, piolemos, picores, etc. Lo empezó a usar para problemas alérgicos y digestivos. Después del tiempo, no solo que este producto le esta quitando el problema digestivo, sino le esta quitando la atopia. La perra tiene ahora el pelaje como nunca ha tenido en su vida.
Si quieres saber mas, escucha con atención el video completo. Gracias
Máiréad Berkery, Companion animal vet and partner in Avondale Vet Clinic a 10-vet practice, Co Wicklow
We began using the Precision probiotics in May. With lots of dogs presented with sick tummies it is great to have such an effective treatment now available to us.
Two of the veterinary nurses were the first to use the products on their own dogs with diarrhea. Both of them commented on the speed of recovery to normal bowel movements. This is something we also began to see with patients in consults and in the surgery.
What has also been exciting is some of our patients with ongoing digestive problems that have gone on the probiotics long term. They are really showing huge improvements. The owners of both cats and dogs have been extremely happy with the improvements in digestive health and overall health on long term use.
We also now offer people whose pets or on antibiotics for long term infections the probiotics to help with gut health.
it is nice as we learned more about the science to have an Irish product delivering such results in our practice for our clients.

Susan Perriss RVN BSc Vets 4 Pets Kings Lynn
“I used this product for my 9-year-old Siberian Husky Bono who is of good health but has a sensitive stomach and my 12-year-old Staffie x Border Collie Keva who suffers from bad skin issues. I witnessed improvement in both dogs whilst they were on this product.
Bono’s digestion seemed improved but improvements to his coat and overall condition were also noticed. Bono can sometimes be a fussy eater, which was one of my concerns starting the product as the smell is potent. Bono in fact seemed to enjoy his meals more.
Keva seemed to improve on this product also digestion was improved. A reduction in the amount of itching to the skin was also noticed. Overall condition of the skin and coat seemed improved.

Robin, north Dublin cat rescue volunteer
Female and Male purebred Ragdolls, each approx 1.5 yrs old, both rescue cats with poor immune systems and systemic inflammation affecting their guts and ears. The female had chronic diarrhoea and gas, and the male had intermittent vomiting. The cats were on a strict suitable diet (systematically tried a few options) for their symptoms, which helped but did not control their symptoms. The regular use of over the counter and vet-prescribed probiotics were introduced, which were helpful but not fully effective.
The cats started daily on Precision Microbes on 25 August, 2021. They did not like the smell and refused it, which was not surprising as they refuse most everything (including cat treats). I weighed each cat and easily and quickly measured the appropriate volume (ml dose) of probiotic for them, mixing it in their wet food. After a few minutes, they picked at the food. By the second day, they were eating everything up with no difficulty.
WEEK 1 RECORD – Their poop is much firmer, and slightly less stinky and slimy after these few days. The two cats initially responded better to Precision Microbes than to the over the counter and other probiotics.
WEEK 3 RECORD – The male has no more vomiting (although I’ve also changed his diet to fish only, as he can’t seem to handle tough meat protein), and his fur has become fluffy and magnificent. The female still has soft stools, but much more solid than she ever had, and much less frequent (two bowel movements a day, down from five). Also, no more toxic farts and her coat has improved a lot. She has additionally put on weight and is more active (appears to be absorbing the nutrition from her food).
WEEK 5 RECORD – same success as with week 3, with an improvement that the female has even firmer stools.

Joe Keane small animal specialist vet Sunbeam Co Cork
“We have been using Precision Microbes pet probiotic/postbiotic for a while now. I would be skeptical to be fair about these types of products. Precision Microbes has changed my mind big time. I like the science but I’m most impressed with the results in our patients.
We use it for diarrhoea cases and because it is a live liquid we definitely see it working quicker than anything I’ve used before to help them recover. The concept of the postbiotics makes a lot of sense with the results we see.
We also have more patients now (both dogs and cats) that take it every day in their food. The owners like it and have come back saying they can see the difference.
It is interesting that the improved coat condition is something most if not all long-term users comment on.
Definitely happy to recommend Precision Microbes and it seems liquids are the future.”

Saph the German Shepard in Czech Republic
This black beauty is called Saph. She is an almost 4-year-old female Belgian Shepherd. Unfortunately, she suffers from very frequent diarrhea. Since April of this year, thanks to them, she has already ended up on IVs twice. An elimination diet followed, but no cause of the diarrhea was found, and even after half a year on the diet, there was no victory.
When the opportunity arose to sign up for the Precision Microbes study, the owner did not hesitate. And it was a great decision. The positive result was not long in coming.
“We started giving Precision Microbes and within 14 days there was no more problem. At the same time, we gave other probiotics, even long-term, but the effect was not like that. Thank you ”

Valerie Minature Schnauzer Rescue Ireland Dublin
I’ve been using Precision Microbes Probiotic and Postbiotic for a few months now and I’ve been very surprised with the results. It works really quickly and even my very fussy dogs love it. I found it brilliant for those sudden stomach upsets that lead to diarrhea, it helped to clear them up quickly and the dogs are back to normal within 24 hours.
One of my little dogs has chronic stomach problems with diarrhea. I tried all the usual treatments and had several vet visits and ran lots of tests. We couldn’t find a cause, it would clear up for a little while but then return. It’s awful when you can’t solve a problem like this as the dog was losing weight and their energy levels were suffering. I put them on the Precision Microbes and within a week there was a huge difference. They have been on it now for 8 weeks and they are thriving, they haven’t had any stomach problems and are pooing perfectly! Their coat is no longer dry, it’s now shiny and healthy. I would highly recommend Precision Microbes for anyone dealing with dogs that have had poor nutrition or for dogs that are having ongoing stomach problems. It is a brilliant boost for all dogs, and the results will be seen quickly.

Tim Kirby vet and founder of
I first used Precision Microbes in treating a dog with very complex health issues. The results were outstanding, and since then we have continued to successfully use the range of products.
They are game changers in gut health.”

Catriona Delahanty pet owner Co Galway
“Since starting out on my journey with precision microbes to date, I have not looked back. I can’t recommend this enough to pet owners.
It’s so easy to administer and my dog has never once turned her nose up to it if anything I find she is enjoying her food far more.
For an active dog who loves the outdoors and from an owner who was concerned about her health when out and about this has been the best move for us.
Usually she would get an upset tummy when out on a hike in different areas,as we all know dogs will put anything into their mouths, but taking precision microbes daily I’ve had no incidents of diarrhoea or vomiting .
If anything she has great energy, her coat/condition is super healthy and above all one hell of a happy dog.
Even through surgery/treatment I used this product and found after first day back on it with her meds she was doing so well and no upset tummy.
It’s even better knowing this is an Irish product produced by vets which is great and great supporting local great products.
From ingredients to the finished product, this is one product you’ll be excited to try for your animals.

Inga the labrador
After 3 months on the Precision Microbes probiotic once a day Inga is much improved. Her coat is now silky soft. She sheds a lot less than she did before the trial. The Persistent D+ and occasional V+ had stopped and she is no longer eating grass when out for a walk. Inga’s stomach is no longer bloated and tense to touch. She is not full of gas like she was before the trial or bloated.
After the trial, Inga’s overall health has improved greatly. The Owner reported that Inga has a lot more energy and is brighter in herself. Inga has a lot more energy to run around and play like a puppy is meant to.
The Owner has decided to keep Inga on the probiotic long-term due to the fantastic results she has seen in Inga

Brid Lenihan- working in Bourkes Veterinary surgery in Newcastlewest, Limerick.
“Precision microbes have proved effective in so many different situations, especially acute
gastrointestinal upset, chronic intestinal issues, and improving hair coat and skin conditions. Many
owners are now using it as a topper to their dog’s regular diet long-term. It’s great to have a well-researched and proven effective product on our shelves!”

Ferrero Czech
“Ferrero suffers from chronic IBD and it was necessary to give him a daily probiotic powder, which was poorly dosed due to his smaller size. Precision microbes not only helped us with stools, but also replaced his normal probiotics and their dosage is very simple. We are extremely satisfied and will definitely recommend it to my friends.
We mixed Microbes in the feed was absolutely no problem. I didn’t even try another option.
I’m excited about Ferrero and his great hair!”

Jean O Halloran, a pet owner in Co Clare
“Before being on the probiotic, Millie had lost weight and had bouts of vomiting & diarrhoea approx every 3 weeks. Since being on this supplement, the bouts are less aggressive, the vomiting has practically stopped & the diarrhoea has reduced significantly. Millie is smart, she will stop eating for about a day, maybe to give her system a break & then goes back to her eating routine again.
She is definitely brighter & she has a gorgeous coat.
Realistically she was probably on this about a month before we saw changes.
I have to say, though, she is really like a new dog now.

Lisa Marie Clifford dog owner Co Kerry
Our two-year-old collie Indy has had issues with upset tummies and occasional bouts of diarrhea for a long time. We used Precision Microbes which we got from our vet and it worked really quickly to stop Indy’s diarrhea. We have kept her on it now every day and she hasn’t had any issues. She loves the taste of it and we’ve seen her behaviour and coat improve as well which is amazing.
I keep telling my friends with pets to try Precision Microbes.

Kameron Garfield’s baby, a Maine coon
PM surprised me more than pleasantly, after a month of use, the cat’s digestion, food intake and especially his mental state improved. Significantly higher appetite. Stress – maximum improvement, he is not afraid of his own shadow, he cuddles and plays more. He actively provokes the other cat to play.
In the future, I will replace Imunoglucan with Precision Microbes for both cats in the winter months. Thank you for the opportunity to try PM, many times I have purchased something that did not work, which is not the case with Microbes. You have new, regular customers.
Part of our Czech customer trials more on these in our blogs.