Exciting new product being launched for lambs this December

Protect and Promote young lambs with PM Advanced gut stabiliser

Precision Microbes launches its latest product for the lamb market.

We are working to improve and support better gut health in young lambs.

Precision Microbes advanced gut stabiliser can be given at birth at a dose rate of 6mls orally.

With many infectious diseases like watery mouth and joint ill in the first weeks of life, we want to help support lamb health through the gut.

With 70% of immunity being gut-based, it is key to get the young lamb off to its best start.

Vet Tommy Heffernan explains more in this video.

For more information, please contact us at info@precisionmicrobes.com.

We ran on-farm trials in flocks in Ireland in spring of 2022.

We targeted 12 flocks with issues with watery mouth who were removing oral antibiotic prophylaxis that season.

Two flocks also have prior issues with joint ill.

We saw no issues with watery mouth in any of the 12 flocks and a significant reduction in Joint ill in two flocks.

This was done with the veterinary practitioner’s observing disease incidence over the first weeks of life and was combined with good management advice. We are careful with all our products to stress that they are biological tools along with good managment.

We also used the products in a pedigree flock with a watery mouth outbreak under veterinary supervision. After administration, the issue was resolved in all lambs born following Precision Microbes applications.

One of the vet practices used the product in six more later lambing flocks with no issues also.

Like all Precision Microbes products, it is the results we see on farms that make us excited.


These are not antibiotic replacements but alternative approaches to protect young lambs and promote better gut health development.