Practical applications of Precision Microbes in calves

In December 11, 2021

In this video, our consultant vet Tommy Heffernan looks at the practical applications of our unique calf probiotic and postbiotic liquid solutions.


Precision microbes’ calf  probiotics and postbiotics

  • Licensed for gut stabilization in calves and works well in young goats and other preruminants like lambs.
  • A very unique liquid solution containing live probiotics and their metabolites postbiotics. High levels of good bacteria in every ml. 1.5 x 108 CFU per ml.
  • It is the postbiotics that act so quickly returning normal gut function.
  • Probiotics are like factories, producing metabolites that act at the cell level. It is these postbiotics metabolites that are so important for long-term gut health.
  • An extremely fast-acting gut stabilizer for calves, the earlier it is used the quicker it will act and stabilize gut flora, get normal stools and improve digestive health.
  • The dose rate for gut stabilization is 60mls twice daily for 3 days. It can be used in conjunction with other rehydration therapies.
  • It can be given orally, in milk or with electrolyte solutions. No issues with palatability, with calves actually developing a taste for the fermented products.
  • They can be used in conjunction with antibiotics as the postbiotics are not affected by the antibiotics
  • It is available through the veterinary channel or your local veterinary practice.
  • It is an ideal product for groups of calves recovering from diarrhea or gut issues. The dose rate for this is 50mls once daily per calf for 5-7 days
  • It can be used in groups of calves that are recovering from other issues like pneumonia or other stress-related issues and disease at the dose rate of 50mls once daily per calf for 5-7 days
  • It is available in 1 litre and 10 litre containers.
  • For calves going into the dairy to beef systems, it can be given for the first 5-7 days at 50mls daily to help the gut be stable during this key stress time in calves’ life.
  • Can be given from birth and all throughout the preweaning period.
  • Long-term usage starts at 30mls daily for 10 days from birth and then 30mls in milk 3 x times weekly. Where calves get diarrhoea during this period the dose can be doubled for 2-3 days (60mls for 2-3 days)
  • We are seeing improved Feed conversion efficiency on long-term usage, reduced diarrhea, and reduced antibiotic usage.
  • Vets are using the product at a higher dose rate in older calves with gut-related challenges to return to normal gut health. In older calves greater than 12 weeks it can be given at 100mls daily for 3-4 days.
  • Where results are inconsistent vets should consider parasitic challenges like cryptosporidium and coccidiosis. Once these are treated the precision probiotics are ideal to help return normal gut function and health


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