Dairy farmer David Cargill sees huge benefits to long-term use of Precision Microbes in his calves
We hear from David Cargill a dairy farmer in Co Antrim about his experience with Precision Microbes unique Probiotic and Postbiotic liquid Giving the product long term 30mls daily per calf from birth through milk.
Highly palatable and mixes easily through milk helps with appetite and reduces issues in calves on automatic feeders.
Dairy farmer Peter Ryan sings the praise of Precision Microbes calf probiotic and postbiotic
We hear from Peter Ryan a dairy farmer in Co Wicklow about his experience with Precision Microbes unique Probiotic and Postbiotic liquid Giving the product long term 30mls daily per calf from birth through milk.
Highly palatable and mixes easily through milk.
Precision Microbe’s unique liquid probiotics and postbiotics are game changers in gut health and calf health.
Patrick White a Co Offaly dairy farmer sees huge benefits from Precision Microbes calf pro and postbiotic liquid
Patrick White is a dairy farmer based in Co Offaly milking 200 cows in a spring-based system. In 2022 in the middle of a calf scour outbreak his vet recommended he try Precision Microbes to to help with recovery. He started feeding 60mls daily to calves during the outbreak and immediately could see a difference in their responses and recovery rates. He then moved to all newborn calves getting 30mls daily starting in colostrum and going for 30 days. During periods of digestive upsets topping them up with 30mls for 3-4 days.
Like many farmers, Patrick has seen Precision Microbes work with recovery but more importantly, work at prevention and support reducing gut health issues. Our gold standard calf protocol is 30mls daily per calf from birth through milk right up to weaning.
Kalinda Healy from Co Wicklow talks about the benefits of Precision Microbes Probiotics Postbiotics
The Healys farm in Redcross and after seeing the short term benefits of Precision Microbes calf probiotic and postbiotics they moved to long-term usage.
Giving 30mls daily in milk per calf from birth Most farmers are now feeding 30mls per calf daily right up to weaning time.
Supporting digestion, gut health and immunity.
Martin Ryan Co Tipperary talks calf health calf scour and Precision Microbes long term
Martin Ryan a dairy farmer from Co Tipperary talks about his experience with Precision Microbes calf Pro and Postbiotic liquids His vet recommended them after a scour outbreak to help with recovery in 2021 For the last two years he has been using them long term proactively 30mls daily per calf from birth fed through milk Can be fed right up to weaning Many farms are going #30for30 30mls daily per calf for 30 days Topping up with 30mls for 3-4 days during periods of digestive upsets.
Derek O Donaghue principal of Salesian Agricultural college in Co Limerick
We caught up with Derek O Donaghue principal of Salesian Agricultural College in Co Limerick.
They used our Precision Microbes calf Probiotic and Postbiotic liquid at 60mls daily per calf to help with recovery from scour. With the good results, they see they moved to long-term feeding this year 30mls daily from birth per calf in milk.
With great results healthy calves and less intervention.
They also were one of fifty farms that trialed our unique silage additive last season.
UK dairy farmer Malcolm Davies talks about calf health improvements with Precision Microbes calf pro/postbiotics
Katie Homer who farms in the Isle of Bute in Scotland sees huge benefits to Precision Microbes calf Pro and Postbiotics
Tori Tuckett Australian dairy farmer sees the benefits of Precision Microbes’ long term feeding
Tori Tuckett a dairy farmer based in Victoria Australia has been using Precision Microbes for the last 6 months with great results.
Australian farmers are now seeing the huge benefits of Precision Microbes’ unique probiotics and postbiotics liquids.
Adding 30mls daily per calf from birth right up to weaning.
Tori has been in particular mostly impressed by how it has aided with cryptosporidium management on their farm.
Tori like many other farmers is now feeding Precision Microbes through her automatic calf feeder.
Listen to her feedback in the video below.
For Australian farmers who want to find out more or get PM email contact@animalhealthinnovations.com.au
Tom murphy Kilkenny dairy farmer talks Precision Microbes calf
Christopher Tuffy farmer of the year talks farming, Precision Microbes and calf health
Last month Tommy Heffernan veterinary consultant visited the fantastic Christopher Tuffy a Co Sligo-based progressive dairy farmer. In 2022 Christopher won FBD Farmer of the Year a Prestigious title to acknowledge his efforts over the last ten years.
He began using Precision Microbes calf Pro and postbiotics this spring and was very happy with his experience and how the calves did. He began feeding 30mls daily long-term and this year will fit a liquid dispensing pump on his automatic feeder.
“Easy to mix and easy to use with the huge benefit of improved calf health”.
For the best results feed 30mls of PM daily to each calf through milk from birth and it can be fed right up to weaning.
John Buckley dairy farmer sees a reduction in transition issues in calves with Precision Microbes
We visited John Buckley a dairy farmer based in Co Cork. He has seen massive benefits in calf health and gut health since he began feeding Precision Microbes long-term from birth to his calves.
He previously had issues with calves going onto milk replacer early from whole milk as part of his Johnnes control program.
The farm has seen a huge decrease in gut health issues and scours in their young calves.
John is feeding 30mls daily per calf long term. He has also added a liquid dispenser to his automatic feeding station to feed Precision Microbes through the milk for young calves.
The McDermott family see calf health transformed on long term feeding of Precision Microbes
A couple of weeks ago we visited the McDermott family in Co Galway. They are an expanding dairy herd and family farm. Shane has been the chief calf rearer for the last number of years. Getting up before school and then on his return from school attends calves again. They had lots of challenges in the past and particularly in 2020 with calf scour and diarrheoa.
They started like many farmers using Precision Microbes to help calves recover from scour and diarrheoa. Using a protocol of 60mls daily orally for 5-7 days. With very sick calves they would use 60mls twice daily for the first 3 days. Seeing the product working well they went to long-term feeding of 30mls daily from birth.
They have seen a transformation in calf health this spring with this protocol. Like many farmers, they are looking at building new calf facilities and focused on continual improvement post-expansion. It was quite inspiring to hear Shane’s story and his dedication to his calves.
Johnny O Hanlon Co Kerry for a chat about his PM experience and dairy farming
Johnny O’Hanlon runs a herd of pedigree Holstein Friesian cows (the Rahela herd) on Golden Hill farm outside Tralee Co Kerry, Milking 120 cows in autumn and spring. Johnny is a real innovator and farmer trying several unique approaches. Engaged with state-of-the-art technology and also adopting regenerative principles around cropping.
Having spoken to Johnny over the years he has always inspired me with his intellect and ability to try new technologies and ideas. You can meet Johnny at global dairy conferences where he is always looking to chase and see the latest research in dairy farming and science.
He has been using Precision Microbes calf pro and postbiotics since it was launched at 30mls per calf per day. He is happy with it as another tool along with good management to get aid and improve calf performance. It fits in with his principles of supporting immunity on every level on the farm.
John Wynne, dairy farmer Co Wicklow
We visited John last week to hear how PM is working for him. A game changer in gut health. John used our unique pro and postbiotic liquid in calves during the first 5 days on halofuginone. Like many farmers, he saw a difference in claves when they came off the probiotics. When he started back-feeding Precision Micorbes he could immediately see the difference and the positive impact on calf health and vigor. He is now feeding 30mls daily for the whole period right up to weaning. There are massive benefits to calf health on farm, and John has seen a big decrease in sick calves during the period of supplementation.
Michael Tallon vet based in Co Meath talks about Precision Microbes calf pro and postbiotics
Micheál Tallon is a vet with Duleek Veterinary Hospital in Co.Meath. Micheál comments “Calves get two things, scour which comes first then respiratory problems” What we’ve seen over the past 2 years are calves that have received Precision Microbes from day zero, are less susceptible to pneumonia and if they do they’re bouncing back quicker. Micheals, practice uses Precision Microbes as a gut stabiliser for calves with scour. “As farmers have seen the benefits from Precision Microbes, they’re now going on to use it preventatively,” says Micheal. The benefits the practice have seen with Precision Microbes include increased daily feed intake, more active calves, less antibiotic usage, and less need to drip calves.
Salesian agricultural college sees the benefits of Precision Microbes calf pro and postbioitcs
Veterinary consultant Tommy Heffernan visited Salesian Agricultural College in Co Limerick.
They began using Precision Microbes calf pro and postbiotics this spring mid-way through calving.
They had a scour outbreak in younger calves.
They decided to put the Hefier shed on long-term feeding of microbes daily 30mls per calf through their Holm and Laue calf feeder with really good results.
Their other feeders couldn’t feed the product so they used it to help calves recover with 60mls orally for 5 days as part of a supportive regime.
They have seen good results in both groups for treatments and in the heifer’s long term.
They have ordered dosing pumps for their feeders for next year.
They are very happy with the results they have seen this year and will be using Precision Microbes from birth on all calves long-term next year.
Westemeath dairy farmer Ken Gibson sees rapid recovery from scours
Ken and the team on the farm have been using Precision Microbes calf liquid pro and postbiotic to speed recovery around calf digestive issues.
For acute cases, you can use 60mls orally twice daily for 3 days. With most mild digestive upsets in calves they can be fed 60mls orally once daily for 5-7 days but if calves are drinking it is best fed through milk daily.
Rapid gut stabilization is due to the postbioitcs in the liquid.
They are very happy with the results they have seen this year and will be using Precision Microbes on all calves long-term next year.
30mls from birth daily per calf.
Mark O Brein Kilkenny-based Dairy farmer
Mark is in his second season using Precision Microbes calf pro and postbiotic liquids. With the positive results he has seen from last year, he is now feeding 30mls daily (per calf) in milk to his calves up to weaning.
He has seen a massive reduction in issues he was seeing with digestive upsets in the first weeks with calves.
Like many farmers, he is seeing the visible difference in his calves. Fewer infections and a big reduction in interventions/antibiotics and time saved in struggling with sick calves.
30mls daily per calf right up to weaning.
Connor Creith dairy farmer Co Antrim
Connor talks about his experiences with Precision Microbes calf Pro and Postbiotics. With some minor digestive issues in young calves, Connor works with his vets at Riada veterinary hospital.
He decided to start Precision microbes 30mls daily from day 1 in young calves. He saw the difference those first 14 days and now is going to feed calves through his automatic milk-feeding system.
The big advantage for farmers with PM calf is the difference they see and by helping digestive health you can help calf health. Happy calves, happy farmers.
Michael Gowing dairy farmer Co Offaly
We visited Michael Gowing to hear how long-term usage of Precision Microbes calf is working on his busy spring-based dairy farm in Co Offaly.
The dairy farmer is really focused on getting the basics right for calves.
Attention to detail around colostrum Plenty of milk to help young calves grow Plenty of straw bedding and good hygiene
Calves are also on 30mls daily of Precision Microbes through his automatic milk feeding system.
Peter and Paula Hynes dairy farmers in Co Cork
Tommy Heffernan vet visited the Hynes family this week to talk about calf health and microbes. A very well-known farming family and big agvocates.
They discuss successful calf rearing and the need for being consistent around the basics. They also talk about the difference PM calf pro and postbiotic liquids have made on their dairy farm.
They are now feeding 30mls per calf a day and seeing the difference in calf performance and health.
We also discuss their own farming business and lessons learned over the years. We end with outlooks on local and global issues.
Thanks to the Hynes family having me down to hear their story.
Eammon O Connell Summer Hill Vets, Co Tipperary
Eammon O Connell, a well-known veterinarian in Co Tipperary.
Eammon is a partner in a busy six vet extensive animal practice in Nenagh Co Tipperary. He is also a columnist for the Irish Farming Independent.
His focus is on preventative medicine; he talks about top tips for calf health and how they used our unique probiotic and postbiotic liquids.
Huge thanks to the team in Summerhill Vets for all their support and success with the Precision Microbes range.
Kevin O Hanlon Dairy farmer in Co Wexford
Kevin is the farm manager of 150 cow dairy farm in organic conversion. Like every farm, calf health was challenging, with scour and pneumonia being the two big challenges. While calf mortality was not an issue, it was the setbacks calves receive following an outbreak that Kevin found the most frustrating.
He started Precision Microbes in the calves this autumn. He is feeding 30mls per calf per day right up to weaning. He is delighted with the results. Better calf performance and considerable improvements in calf health.
They have seen no disease issues in calves this autumn and a very big difference in calf thrive.
Listen to what Kevin has to say about the difference Precision Microbes has made on the farm.
Brian Delaney Co Laois on calf rearing and Precision microbes
Talks calf rearing and Precision Microbes. With the transition period for bought-in calves being challenging, Brian has seen a significant difference since putting his calves on Precision Microbes liquid pro and postbiotics.
He feeds 30 MLS daily for 4 weeks during the weaning period. Brian has seen….. Better appetites, less calf diarrhoea, and digestive upsets. Reduced infections and treatments needed during the weaning period.
Protocol for calf rearing dairy to beef is 30mls daily per calf in the milk for the milk feeding period.
Liam Roche Co Cork dairy farmer sees the benefits of Precision Microbes
Vet Tommy Heffernan visited Liam Roche on his dairy farm in Co Cork to find out how Precision Microbes calf probiotic and postbiotic has worked for them this year.
There is a huge focus on attention to detail and consistency when it comes to calf rearing.
He has been really happy with the results they have seen feeding calves Precision Microbes from birth 30mls per calf per day.
Vet Philip Walsh from Orchard Veterinary Centre talks about Precision Microbes
Philip talks about what he has seen with customers using Precision Microbes. Like many vets reporting to us, appetitive and calf thrive are excellent when calves start on the product.
Most farms are using our 30mls for 30 days approach now.
30mls per calf a day from birth.
Elaine Hickey dairy farmer talks PM pro and postbiotics
Elaine and Pat Hickey are dairy farmers in Co-Westmeath, they also have two farms in Roscommon. Elaine rears all the heifers on the home farm with a big interest in calf health.
She was even surprised herself at how effective PM was at helping calves recover from dietary upsets. They are now making PM part of their routine from birth to every calf and will be feeding it through the automatic calf feeder.
James Toner, dairy farmer in Co Armagh, talks about the results of using PM calf pro/postbiotics.
James is using precision microbes from birth in his calves. He has seen a massive improvement in calf health over the last 3-4 months.
Phelim Kavanagh Wexford farmer talks about adding PM to the calf rearing toolbox
After initially being skeptical Phelim is now adding Precision Microbes to his calf rearing toolbox. Every calf will be getting 30mls on arrival and 30mls daily up until weaning.
Better calf performance, reduced disease issues and a quick response when issues did arise.
Eamon Sheehan talks about the role PM calf pro and postbiotics is making on his farm
A progressive dairy farmer with an interest in AMR, Eamon has been using Precision Microbes for two years in his calves. Improved performance and the reduction of any nutritional upsets for him are the big wins.
Less intervention with sick calves also and better health overall. He also discusses the use of other blends on farm and the difference they are making.
Tobins farm visit talking Precision microbes
This week we visited Tobins farm just outside Arklow in Co Wicklow. A farm partnership milking cows since 2019. They used Precision microbes last year to support sick calves with scour. This year they have adopted a long-term feeding strategy with PM. Cryptosporidium was one of the significant challenges they saw last year. They have focused heavily on calf health this year and are being proactive in its control.
They start the calves on halofuginone for 7 days. They also feed Precision microbes for the first seven days 30mls twice daily. So 8mls of halofuginone in the morning orally with 30mls of Precision microbes in the morning and evening feed. Then after seven days 30mls of Pm in the morning milk feed for the first five weeks. This is a protocol adopted now by a lot of farms.
While halofuginone is very effective at reducing cryptosporidium infection pressure it can be hard on a calf’s stomach. This combination protocol is working well on many farms.
Noel O Connor Co Kerry dairy farmer feeds PM calf through his automated feeder.
Tommy Heffernan our veterinary consultant met with Noel O Connor a dairy farmer based in Co Kerry. A new calf shed, automated feeders, and daily Precision Microbes has really seen calf health improve.
With automatic calf feeders, we continue to see massive feedback from farmers and vets on improved calf health and performance. 30mls daily per calf fed using a liquid dispenser in your automated feeder. We are seeing fewer digestive upsets, better calf performance, and improved appetites.
“One of the areas of trial work I carried out to see huge benefits on calf health was using PM calf pro and postbiotics through automated feeders. Its a game changer in this space” Tommy Heffernan Veterinary consultant.
Michael Connell Dublin dairy farmer sees the benefits of Precision Microbes
Feeding it in daily in milk to young calves Michael has seen the benefits of better health and reduced calf scour.
Listen to his feedback
Veterinary surgeon Tadhg Gavin talks about Precision calf pro and postbiotics reducing antibiotics usage.
We visited Tadhg Gavin from Killaloe vet clinic, a member of Xlvets Ireland.
He spoke about how Precision Microbes have very positive impacts on calf health.
We were also delighted to hear him talk about reducing antibiotics in their business and for their customers.
Donal and Marie Liston from Limerick talk about Precision Microbes calf probiotic and postbiotic.
They already have bought half of next year’s supply. A strong endorsement from the Liston’s on how effective Precision Microbes has been this year. While initially using 50mls daily to help calves with scour/diarrhoea recover, they moved to long-term usage, giving 30mls daily to young calves from birth. We are delighted to see customers like Donal and Maire get the results with PM calf probiotics and postbiotics.
Elizabeth and John O’Brien discuss using precision microbes in their young calves.
The O Briens farm and milk 220 dairy cows in Co Wexford There is a big focus on calf health. In spring 2021, they used precision microbes’ unique liquid of liquid probiotics and postbiotics. They have seen increased growth rates, less scour, and a reduction in antibiotic treatments. Liz said, “We just found this probiotic unbelievable.”
Precision microbes with Michael Rossiter, farm manager in Redmond’s farm Gorey Co Wexford.
The Precision Microbes team caught up with Michael Rossiter farm manager in Redmond’s award-winning dairy to beef farm. They rear 550-600 Angus heifer calves yearly in a farm-to-fork production system. They used the probiotic and postbiotics last spring in a group of 100 calves they weren’t happy with. The product turned these calves “inside out in a couple of days” according to Michael. Continued success to Redmonds farm, and thanks for sharing, Michael
Anthony Burke talking about Precision Microbes and calf rearing.
He farms in Tipperary and is contract-rearing dairy heifers. This year is the first year he is using an automatic feeder. Anthony explains when starting to use Precision Microbes, life got easier. The calves are on 30ml daily for the first 10 days, and then he reduces the daily dose to 15 ml daily. Anthony has seen better appetites, dung consistency, and great thrives on his calves. Precision Microbes is a game-changer in calf health and works well for anyone rearing calves. Especially helping them get over the first week and the stresses associated with changing diets and environments.
Gerard McEvoy talks about the difference in his young game birds on Precision Microbes
The team at Precision Microbes worked with Gerard McEvoy on his 2000 pheasant flock. They rear the pheasants for a private shoot and were interested in rearing healthy birds with a huge focus on gut health in young chicks. The trial started from arrival to five weeks of age (0-5 weeks PM poultry daily in feed). When we visited him at 8 weeks, he said they were a week ahead of where they would normally be at 8 weeks. stronger, healthier birds. He has seen fewer antibiotics and had way less disease. he also remarkably seen a halving of mortality in the 5-week period.
Joe and Ellen O Neill talk about farming and PM microbes
Tommy went to visit Joe and Ellen O Neill last week to talk about Precision Microbes calf Pro and postbiotics. It was so uplifting to see how our calf product has made such a difference on their farm this year.
Particularly the improvement in calf health, less disease, and massive reduction in calf scour and antibiotic usage.
Niall and John Mason talk about Precision Microbes calf pro and postbiotic liquids.
We visited John and Niall on their dairy farm just outside Tralee Co Kerry. They milk 85 cows and their attention to detail is second to none. With good calf health, they spoke about how Precision Microbes were an extra tool for them this spring to improve calf health even further.
Cork dairy farmer Peter Hynes sees the benefits of Precision Microbes long-term in their calves
Peter is feeding 30mls daily per calf from birth until weaning.
Peter said: “Feeding Precision Microbes long-term from day one to weaning means we’re ahead of the game. It ticks so many boxes for us. We’ve seen calves remain healthier, have higher growth rates, and higherweaning weights.
“We weighed calves at birth, again mid-way through their time on the milk feeder, and again at weaning, and we were seeing calves tripling birth weight.
“We were seeing a lot less of the vet, we’re not losing days performance and untimely less antibiotics on farm. It’s a key tool for nutritional digestive upsets,” he said.
Tom Flanagan, large animal veterinarian
For me, it was when farmers started coming back for the products themselves because of the results they saw. The feedback from farmers has been overwhelmingly positive. We also have now started seeing the benefits in more long-term use with farmers on calves being bought in and reared.
We are using 30mls for 30 days protocol which is working really well for calves.
These are exceptional products across all species in fairness.

Bower Park Farm, Kent.
We have had great success with this product. Mainly using it as a relief when early symptoms appear in the majority of cases the symptoms have been fully cleared before the calves have taken any ill effects. The calves seem to like the taste of the product so when syringing the calves never stress and when added to milk we have never had one go off or not drink the milk. Very happy with it, will definitely be purchasing more.
Precision Microbes calf is available through Wynnstay in the UK.

Martin Crowe B.Agri.Sc Dairy farmer and Agricultural consultant Co Limerick
“I used Precision Microbes in spring 2022 initially to help calves recover from digestive upsets and scours. Having heard other farmers giving it positive feedback online, so that’s why I tried it. I was delighted with the results. I could see them improving quickly compared to anything I’ve used previously.
I then decided to use it in a more preventive way, where I put calves on it from birth daily while they were in single pens. I was delighted with the results. It will be used again this spring for sure.”

Padraig Brennan from Glasslyn Vets, Bandon
”From talking to clients, I have found the recovery from scours much faster in calves who receive Precision Microbes probiotics and psotbiotics.
We also noticed calves that received probiotics from day 1, have fewer digestive upsets in times of stress.
I also contact rear dairy calves at home and most years we get an outbreak of rotavirus, since we started giving them probiotics a week before they travel to my farm, the cases of scour are less, and recovery is much quicker.
Next year we will administer probiotics through an automatic calf feeder so they will get them until weaning”

Francois Walch veterinary surgeon in Clifden Co Galway
Precision Microbes is selling very well and no negative feedback from farmers at all. I have always preferred a natural solution where possible and this seems to be working great.

Pig farmers see huge benefits with Precision Microbes
Shane Fives
Co. Waterford
We routinely use Precision Microbes Probiotic and Postbiotic for Piglets and Precision Microbes
Advanced Gut Stabiliser on our unit. Weaker pigs are given Precision Microbes Probiotics and
Postbiotic for Piglets after birth. At the first sign of scour, pigs are dosed with Precision Microbes
Advanced Gut Stabiliser and then given a second dose the following day. It has significantly reduced
our antibiotic usage. I would recommend Precision Microbes Probiotic and Postbiotic for Piglets and
Precision Microbes Advanced Gut Stabiliser to anyone wanting to improve the health of their pigs
without the use of antibiotics.
Dick Togher
Co. Roscommon
We have been using Precision Microbes Probiotic and Postbiotic for Piglets for the past 12 months.
We first started using the product on gilt litters but after seeing such a great response in the pigs we
now use it on every litter. We administer it for 7 days (morning & evening) and have seen a massive
improvement in pig health and performance. I would definitely recommend Precision Microbes
Probiotic and Postbiotic for Piglets.
Pat O Connor
Co. Cork
After discussing the challenges in the farrowing house with the Interchem Swine team and Precision
Microbes, we put together a protocol involving 2ml/pig of Precision Microbes Advanced Gut
Stabiliser at birth followed by Precision Microbes Probiotic and Postbiotic for Piglets through the
milk replacer. Since its addition, mortality has reduced by 50% and the incidence of scour is
significantly less. I would recommend Precision Microbes Advanced Gut Stabiliser and Precision
Microbes Probiotic and Postbiotic for Piglets.

Aoife Doogue veterinarian in Mid Kerry veterinary centre Co Kerry
“As a mixed practice vet, I have had the opportunity of using
precision microbes as a probiotic and postbiotic across a variety of
species. To say I am impressed with the product would be an
The speed of recovery from acute and chronic gastrointestinal
issues are halved, and outcomes of what can be complex cases are a
a lot more positive due to this great Irish veterinary product.
Trying to encourage owner/farmer compliance can be a huge
the challenge in veterinary medicine, but when they see rapid results
such as from precision microbes; owners and farmers alike are
hugely onboard with your treatment.
Not only as a product is precision microbes ahead of its game but as
a company as a whole. The veterinary sector is moving and
changing all the time, and precision microbes’ vision and innovation
in animal nutritional science is helping and improving our method
of treatments. Precision microbes are listening to the input and
clinical needs of vets in treating our patients, which gives great trust
in a product.
I will be continuing to use Precision microbes due to its immense
results and supportive company.”

Damien Shaughnessy Pedigree breeder Co Roscommon
The purebred Charolais calf in the picture was treated with precision microbes for a grass scour. Two days of Precision Microbes treatment were administered to the calf and the results were super. A great product to solve issues without the hassle of antibiotics and upsetting the calf’s temperament.
After using the product a few times now and I have been really impressed.

Kieran Devaney, vet with Ormonde vets Co Kilkenny
Spring 2022 was our first-time using precision microbes. Our experience is best summed up in the feedback given by one of our farming clients remarking ‘that’s mighty stuff,’ and it is. Precision microbes help prevent and treat nutritional and infectious scours in calves. I found they had a really positive impact in a number of scour outbreaks in March past, with calves bouncing back faster than in previous years. We’ve also used it to help purchased calves settle onto new feeding regimes with similar success. All in all, a fantastic product! I can’t recommend precision microbes highly enough

Sheep vet John McHugh Baltinglass Co Wicklow
We trialed Precision Microbes’ advanced gut Stabiliser for lambs in six flocks in the spring of 2021. Each flock we chose had previous issues with watery mouth in young lambs, *some also had joint ill issues*. With no oral antibiotics available and the need to move away from them, we were looking for an effective replacement.
All six flocks used the product at birth 6mls orally. We closely monitored issues like watery mouth during this period. None of the flocks using the products had any problems, and we were delighted with the results.
Along with improved management practices, this product has really delivered in our flocks. It is great to have something to work on speeding up the natural defences in young lambs.

Paul Ryan MVB MRCVS Waterside veterinary Ltd Limerick
I found Precision Probiotics an excellent addition to the treatment of calf scour. Irrespective of the causative agent of the calf scour. I found the probiotic in conjunction with other treatments greatly improves the calf gut health during a scour episode, shortening the recovery time, and increasing survivability. Results in a positive outcome for both farmer and vet.”

Robert Tobin, dairy farmer
We had a bad Rotavirus Outbreak this spring. Calves were extremely dehydrated and off of milk completely. Before we would have just given them electrolytes and it could have taken over a week to get them back on track and in a lot of cases we would have lost calves or they would have gotten a secondary infection Now we go in orally with precision microbes for 7 days along with electrolytes and by day 3 the calves are 90% better and no longer need the electrolytes. Also, the Calves that had the rotavirus infection always would have dull coats and lag behind the calves that didn’t get the rotavirus for the rest of the year. Now with the precision microbes, we see no difference in calf performance post-infection and their coats look fantastic. We lost no calves from the rotavirus outbreak while using the precision microbes either.”

Adam Conn BVMS MRCVS CertDHH, Riada Vets, Ballymoney,
A great product to have in our toolbox against scour. Calves recover faster and thrive quicker after treatment with precision microbes. I have no hesitation in prescribing it for either part of the treatment plan or prevention against any of the causes of calf scour.

Dennis Howard vet and suckler farmer Co Cork
“As a vet and a farmer, I know the challenge of calf scour and getting calves to recover. Traditionally when we had a calf with scour the treatment would be fluids, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories.
Since I started using Precision Microbes it’s been a game changer in gut health in my calves.
My routine now is fluids if needed, an anti-inflammatory, and oral dose of precision Microbes for a calf with scour.” I have found when I get in early, it can be a short course for 2-3 days.
The results are better, and the peace of mind of having something more effective than antibiotics. In an era when we need to reduce antibiotic usage, this is a lifesaver to have something so effective at getting calves to recover quickly and effectively.

Peter Hynes dairy farmer Co Cork
Had a nutritional scour on our farm that was causing problems with our calves. Had tried loads of different products with little success. Within 24 hours all calves were back drinking and standing up again and within 72 hours all calves were back to their full amount of milk and looking much healthier and lively. Our goal is to keep our calves as healthy as possible during their time with us and Precision Microbes helps us do that.”

David, Joan, and MJ Scallan dairy farmers Co Wexford
“We run a spring calving dairy herd in Wexford and on the recommendation of Tommy, we started using Precision Microbes on our calves this spring.
Over the last few years, we have been concerned about the use of antibiotics on our farm, especially during the spring on our calves so we were delighted to use a product that would potentially help us reduce the amount both from a cost and an antimicrobial standpoint. We would have to say the product definitely helped with the reduction of antibiotics and calves also recovered quicker and had fewer setbacks after using the treatment.
We wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Precision Microbes to other farmers on the back of our experience this spring.

Bruce Thompson dairy farmer Laois
“We were having a lot of issues with bloat and scour on our farm with calves 2-3 weeks old. Within a couple of days of using precision microbes, the calves cleared up. I found it works almost immediately for bloat. I couldn’t do without it now for calves.”

Robert Dowley pig farmer Co Kilkenny
Gut health is everything to rearing healthy pigs. We are very focused on being ahead of the curve on the challenges we face in our business.
We used Precision Microbes pro and postbiotic pig gut stabiliser in our younger and weaker pigs. Each week we targeted the weakest litters and it turned them around with weekly dosing.
It turned them around, you could see a very visual difference in the pigs and I was thrilled with the results.

Ronan Siochru dairy farmer in Dingle Co Kerry
My calves had nutritional scour and came across PM on Twitter. I put the calves on a 5-day course of PM and by the third day the calves’ scour had cleared up and their appearance and overall health had improved massively.

Ronan Kennedy veterinary surgeon Moss Vets on PM lamb AGS
With a push to reduce antibiotics in our flocks and farmers looking for alternatives, we used precision microbes advanced gut stabiliser for lambs in several of our flocks this spring as a trial.
Precision Microbes calf pro and postbiotics was very successful on our farms. We were speaking to the company and wondered had they anything in the pipeline for lambs.
We got involved in trialing their new lamb product in several flocks.
I have to say the results were good, with no issues in any of the flocks we used it on. Along with good management, these flocks had no issues with watery mouth.
While good management plan is the key to reducing the risk of watery mouth it is nice to have something to give farmers that will promote better gut health in newborn lambs.
Since prophylactic use of antibiotics is no longer allowed the use of precision microbes advanced gut stabiliser for lambs will be an important tool in preventing watery mouth and promoting better health in our flocks

Eoin Moriarity calf rearer Co Kerry
I found this product amazing when calves transitioned from pure milk to milk replacer without any upsets to the calf when bought in and any calf that went of drinking it was definitely back drinking 24hrs after using this product.
Couldn’t recommend highly enough to anyone rearing calves.

Phelim Kavanagh calf rearer
I used precision microbes in our contract calf rearing for the first time in Spring 2022. I am a skeptic by nature and it was the calf owner’s farm manager, that gave me the product and asked me to see what I thought. I conducted an on-farm trial to monitor any significant change in treated calves. The result was a marked improvement in the general health of those who received Precision Microbes over the untreated batch. Treated calves were not as prone to illness and as a result, needed less antibiotic intervention. By extension, this led to higher live weight at weaning. The better general health in calves equaled less work in intervention thus saving valuable time. Both Michael and I agreed, Precision Microbes should be included in the calf-rearing toolbox.

Flicck Bryant & Edward Leighfield
Dairy Farm – Wiltshire – All-year round Calving
We started using precision microbes when it was recommended to us by our calf specialist after experiencing an issue with scours amongst the younger calves.
We initially started giving the calves with scours 50ml a day in the milk and we were so impressed by their recovery. Within 24-48 hours the calves were more alert,
active and there was an increased milk intake along with eagerness at feeding time.
Due to the significant results, we started giving 30ml a day to all calves up to weaning. Whilst using the microbes we saw an increase in appetite,
overall calf performance, and a reduction in calf upset. Understandably we still have our challenges with scours, however, the comeback in health and response to the microbes are impressive.