UK dairy farmers see the benefits of our Probiotic and postbiotic liquids

Our veterinary consultant Tommy Heffernan visited Uk dairy farmers last week to see the results from Precision Microbes calf pro and postbiotic liquids.

For PM calf contact the team at Wynnstay in Wales or England.

“It was incredibly positive to visit farms that are seeing the benefits of Precision Microbes. We visited eight farms that are using the products in calves with digestive issues with great outcomes. It was also fantastic to see farms feeding PM long term to prevent issues.”

The long-term protocol of 30mls daily per calf is really working well on many farms.

Improving calf appetitive and vigour.

Reduction of digestive upsets and sick calves.


Listen to Malcolm Davies’s story on how Precision Microbes has transformed calf health in their 200-cow unit. Combining Halfiuginone preventatively for the first seven days and Precision Microbes 30 mls daily for each calf. With many calves staying on the product for 30 days.


Here are some highlights from our trip